Dec 16 2008
Mac OS 10.5.6 on the Samsung NC10
Well, good news and bad here…
The good news is that, with the DSDT fix (although in all honesty I’ve not tried without) the 10.5.6 upgrade does the right thing and reboots correctly. Even better, a modified SystemConfiguration is no longer needed in /System/Library. May be due to this, the screen is also no longer stuck at full brightness… although due to the following issue, I don’t know whether it can be modified.
The bad news is that neither of the ApplePS2 replacement kexts I have load correctly, and so I’m stuck using a USB mouse and keyboard 🙁
More as I discover it…
30th December 2008 @ 11:43 am
I haven’t tried dual-booting myself, due to the space limitations of using an SSD. It’s definitely possible, although you may need a primary bootloader such as GRUB to chainload Windows XP or the EFI bootloader.
Whilst Mac Book Airs can install OSX from a remote DVD drive, you won’t be able to do this with an NC10, so you’ll need a USB DVD drive or a USB Hard disc with the Leopard DVD image written on to it (the easiest way to do this is with another Mac: plug in the Hard disc and insert the Leopard installation DVD, and then use Disk Utility to “Restore” the DVD onto the Hard disc. Beware – this will wipe the hard disc in the process). You’ll then need a small USB key (less than 64Mb, IIRC) to boot from in order to load the overlay kexts which allow a vanilla Leopard to boot and operate correctly.
The full instructions for this are here.
31st December 2008 @ 1:53 pm
i’m consulting this pages for days and i’ve got OSX 10.5.6 on NC10 working, this thank your efforts. My problem is that i can boot only with the flag cpus=1 on vanilla kernel 9.6, so no hyperthread at all. I’m trying for days, with different kext, but no luck. Has anybody my problem and find a way to resolve it?
Thanks in advance,
31st December 2008 @ 7:03 pm
Have you checked your BIOS settings? I believe that at least EDB (Execute-Disable Bit) must be enabled. and potentially others. If in doubt, turn it on!
I installed from an original Leopard boot DVD and then upgraded first to 10.5.5 then 10.5.6, and have not needed boot flags. Both logical CPUs are recognised by Xcode, Automake scripts, and Apple’s Activity Monitor.
2nd January 2009 @ 4:09 pm
Hi Stuart,
thank you for replaying.
I have EDB in disable mode (isn’t it only to protect from the malicious software?).
I’am playing around with the BIOS with other settings (like hyperthreading ecc), but no difference.
Today i will tray your suggestion and give a feedback on it.
My bios version is 03CA. I sow on the samsung page the newer (ver.04CA), and i will do the upgrade too.
Till now I was trying with different versions of kext for ACPI, SMBIOS and others, no luck.
7th January 2009 @ 6:17 pm
Thank You very much.
It was EDB. Now is booting propely.
I have another “problem”. At about this mac, the CPU is not recognize and is shown as unknown. For the frequenze and CPU cache, no probem.
Have you got the same issue?
Just for information, if anybody else need it, first of all i’ve installed manually the 10.5.5 retail DVD in a USB disc from the OSX installed on samsung NC10 with Wind dvd, just launching the install package osxinstall.mpkg.
Then installed the combo update 10.5.5 from apple, the 10.5.6 combo update and at the end the chameleon.
In the extra folder created from chemeleon, i’ve put the OS2 driver (AppleACPIPS2Nub.kext, ApplePS2Controller.kext and AppleDecrypt.kext), so no problem in booting with mouse and keyboard fully functional.
After that i’ve made a copy of the USB disk, and with disk utility cloned it on a partition of samsung’s hard disk.
Make the EDB enable mode, installed the driver for the grafic and audio, and that’s it.
Thank You
9th January 2009 @ 3:24 pm
Andi, the full instructions as to how to cosmetically correct the “About This Mac” dialog are here:
… although I had used OSx86Tools previously to make the same change. The former is probably the better solution, though, as OSx86Tools is a little buggy in this respect and making the change can require setting and unsetting the option several times, with reboots.
12th January 2009 @ 5:13 pm
Stuart, thanks for replaying.
The problem isn’t for the cosmetic side (how it appers on the about this mac), but i think on the fuctionally point of view.
System Profiler of the actually retail installation is as bellow:
Nome modello: Mac
Identificatore modello: NC10
Velocità processore: 1.6 GHz
Numero di processori: 1
Numero totale di nuclei: 1
Cache L2: 256 KB
Memoria: 1 GB
Velocità bus: 100 MHz
Versione Boot ROM: 04CA.20081211.KTW
Numero di serie: FE2993BQA00033
Before, when i’ve install iDeneb10.5.5 DVD i got the following (it was correct):
Nome modello: Mac
Identificatore modello: MacPro3,1
Nome processore: Intel® Atom(TM) CPU N270 @
Velocità processore: 1.6 GHz
Numero totale di nuclei: 1
Cache L2: 512 KB
Memoria: 1 GB
Velocità bus: 100 MHz
Versione Boot ROM: BOOT.88Z.EFI.V80.061193037 (Phoenix Technologies Ltd.)
Numero di serie: CK157KMHK5B
As you see, the L2 cache and characteristics are all right in that case.
Does it mean that i got problem with the actual retail installation with the CPU?
I got the same problem when i fire the Reggie SE application (Developer/Applicatio/Performance tools/CHUD/Hardware Tools/Reggie SE)
In that case i got:
Unknown processor type (658)
I’ve trying with DSDT patcher, EFI ver.9 etc bootloder, but no luck to recognise correctly the CPU on retail installation.
I’ve installed the 04CA bios ver. on samsung NC10.
Can you post your System Profiler and a few step about your installation process, so i can try your way?
14th January 2009 @ 12:15 am
Ah – I see what you mean. The System Profiler information is read from the system management structures in Apple’s EFI firmware… or, in this case, the BIOS of the NC10. This can be overridden with modified AppleSMBIOS.kext or AppleSMBIOSEFI.kext bundles.
Unfortunately, however, these do not yet work correctly with 10.5.6, although this is apparently being actively worked on. Even better, the next release of the Chameleon bootloader (which should integrate boot-from-EFI-partition functionality) should have SMBIOS override abilities, according to this.
I know that with 10.5.5 and SMBIOS overrides Reggie SE ran happily, whilst with 10.5.6 I get the same warning when the application is launched – but I don’t think that this actually breaks anything.
16th January 2009 @ 10:55 am
As has been widely publicised, the NC10’s bluetooth adapter can be improved (in that it can now be successfully enabled and disabled, in order to save a little more battery life – which wasn’t previously possible).
The fix is to edit /System/Library/Extensions/IOBluetoothFamily.kext/Contents/PlugIns/BroadcomUSBBluetoothHCIController.kext/Contents/Info.plist and change all two instances of ‘8448‘ to ‘8449‘. For efi_boot usage, only /System/Library/Extensions/IOBluetoothFamily.kext need be copied to the /Volumes/EFI partition, as it has no further runtime dependencies.
(It can be seen in System Profiler that the device ID of the Bluetooth adapter is 0x2101, or 8449 in decimal.)
18th January 2009 @ 11:10 pm
Thanks Stuart.
So we have to wait…
Maybe is for the same reason (SMBIOS override) that i can’t wake up the PC from the stop (to stop is working great the power button) and must force reboot. Ibernate work with widget from