Mar 28 2010
NSString truncate function for Objective C/iPhone SDK
So far as I can tell, the iPhone SDK exposes no method to truncate an NSString to a given width (in pixels). This function obviously exists since it is used when drawing UILabels, and you can even draw truncated text with the method:
[cc lang=”objc” inline=”true” width=”0″ theme=”geshi”]
– (CGSize)drawInRect:(CGRect)rect withFont:(UIFont*)font lineBreakMode:(UILineBreakMode)lineBreakMode[/cc]
… but there’s no way to read-back the rendered text.
A quick search of the ‘net revealed some methods which would truncate a string based on the number of characters, but nothing to perform the operation based on the rendered width in pixels.
Here’s my code, from the new release of Fast Fonts which has now been updated to display iPad fonts correctly.
[cc lang=”objc” width=”0″ line_numbers=”true” theme=”geshi”]
// NSString-truncateToSize
// Fast Fonts
// Created by Stuart Shelton on 28/03/2010.
// Copyright 2010 Stuart Shelton. All rights reserved.
@interface NSString (truncateToSize)
– (NSString *)truncateToSize: (CGSize)size withFont: (UIFont *)font lineBreakMode: (UILineBreakMode)lineBreakMode;
– (NSString *)truncateToSize: (CGSize)size withFont: (UIFont *)font lineBreakMode: (UILineBreakMode)lineBreakMode withAnchor: (NSString *)anchor;
– (NSString *)truncateToSize: (CGSize)size withFont: (UIFont *)font lineBreakMode: (UILineBreakMode)lineBreakMode withStartingAnchor: (NSString *)startingAnchor withEndingAnchor: (NSString *)endingAnchor;
@implementation NSString (truncateToSize)
– (NSString *)truncateToSize: (CGSize)size withFont: (UIFont *)font lineBreakMode: (UILineBreakMode)lineBreakMode {
return [self truncateToSize: size withFont: font lineBreakMode: lineBreakMode withStartingAnchor: nil withEndingAnchor: nil];
} /* (NSString *)truncateToSize: withFont: lineBreakMode: */
– (NSString *)truncateToSize: (CGSize)size withFont: (UIFont *)font lineBreakMode: (UILineBreakMode)lineBreakMode withAnchor: (NSString *)anchor {
return [self truncateToSize: size withFont: font lineBreakMode: lineBreakMode withStartingAnchor: anchor withEndingAnchor: anchor];
} /* (NSString *)truncateToSize: withFont: lineBreakMode: withAnchor: */
– (NSString *)truncateToSize: (CGSize)size withFont: (UIFont *)font lineBreakMode: (UILineBreakMode)lineBreakMode withStartingAnchor: (NSString *)startingAnchor withEndingAnchor: (NSString *)endingAnchor {
if( !( lineBreakMode & ( UILineBreakModeHeadTruncation | UILineBreakModeMiddleTruncation | UILineBreakModeTailTruncation ) ) )
return self;
if( [self sizeWithFont: font].width < = size.width )
return self;
NSString *ellipsis = @"…";
// Note that this code will find the first occurrence of any given anchor,
// so be careful when choosing anchor characters/strings...
NSInteger start;
if( startingAnchor ) {
start = [self rangeOfString: startingAnchor options: NSLiteralSearch].location;
if( NSNotFound == start ) {
if( [startingAnchor isEqualToString: endingAnchor] )
return [self truncateToSize: size withFont: font lineBreakMode: lineBreakMode];
return [self truncateToSize: size withFont: font lineBreakMode: lineBreakMode withAnchor: endingAnchor];
} else {
start = 0;
NSUInteger end;
if( endingAnchor ) {
end = [self rangeOfString: endingAnchor options: NSLiteralSearch range: NSMakeRange( start + 1, [self length] - start - 1 )].location;
if( NSNotFound == end ) {
if( [startingAnchor isEqualToString: endingAnchor] )
// Shouldn't ever occur, since filtered out in block above...
return [self truncateToSize: size withFont: font lineBreakMode: lineBreakMode];
return [self truncateToSize: size withFont: font lineBreakMode: lineBreakMode withAnchor: startingAnchor];
} else {
end = [self length];
NSUInteger targetLength = end - start;
if( [[self substringWithRange: NSMakeRange( start, targetLength )] sizeWithFont: font].width < [ellipsis sizeWithFont: font].width )
if( startingAnchor || endingAnchor )
return [self truncateToSize: size withFont: font lineBreakMode: lineBreakMode];
return self;
NSMutableString *truncatedString = [[NSMutableString alloc] initWithString: self];
switch( lineBreakMode ) {
case UILineBreakModeHeadTruncation:
// Avoid anchor...
if( startingAnchor )
while( targetLength > [ellipsis length] + 1 && [truncatedString sizeWithFont: font].width > size.width) {
// Replace our ellipsis and one additional following character with our ellipsis
NSRange range = NSMakeRange( start, [ellipsis length] + 1 );
[truncatedString replaceCharactersInRange: range withString: ellipsis];
case UILineBreakModeMiddleTruncation:
NSUInteger leftEnd = start + ( targetLength / 2 );
NSUInteger rightStart = leftEnd + 1;
if( leftEnd + 1 < = rightStart - 1 )
// leftPre and rightPost consist of any characters before and beyond
// any specified anchor(s).
// left and right are the two halves of the string to be truncated - although
// the initial split is still performed based upon the length of the
// (sub)string to be truncated, so we could still make a bad initial split given
// a short string with predominantly narrow characters on one side and wide
// characters on the other.
NSString *leftPre = @"";
if( startingAnchor )
leftPre = [truncatedString substringWithRange: NSMakeRange( 0, start + 1 )];
NSMutableString *left = [NSMutableString stringWithString: [truncatedString substringWithRange: NSMakeRange( ( startingAnchor ? start + 1 : start ), leftEnd - start )]];
NSMutableString *right = [NSMutableString stringWithString: [truncatedString substringWithRange: NSMakeRange( rightStart, end - rightStart )]];
NSString *rightPost = @"";
if( endingAnchor )
rightPost = [truncatedString substringWithRange: NSMakeRange( end, [truncatedString length] - end )];
/* NSLog( @"pre '%@', left '%@', right '%@', post '%@'", leftPre, left, right, rightPost ); */
// Reassemble substrings
[truncatedString setString: [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%@%@%@%@%@", leftPre, left, ellipsis, right, rightPost]];
while( leftEnd > start + 1 && rightStart < end + 1 && [truncatedString sizeWithFont: font].width > size.width) {
CGFloat leftLength = [left sizeWithFont: font].width;
CGFloat rightLength = [right sizeWithFont: font].width;
// Shorten string of longest width
if( leftLength > rightLength ) {
[left deleteCharactersInRange: NSMakeRange( [left length] – 1, 1 )];
} else { /* ( leftLength < = rightLength ) */
[right deleteCharactersInRange: NSMakeRange( 0, 1 )];
/* NSLog( @"pre '%@', left '%@', right'%@', post '%@'", leftPre, left, right, rightPost ); */
[truncatedString setString: [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%@%@%@%@%@", leftPre, left, ellipsis, right, rightPost]];
case UILineBreakModeTailTruncation:
while( targetLength > [ellipsis length] + 1 && [truncatedString sizeWithFont: font].width > size.width) {
// Remove last character
NSRange range = NSMakeRange( –end, 1);
[truncatedString deleteCharactersInRange: range];
// Replace original last-but-one (now last) character with our ellipsis…
range = NSMakeRange( end – [ellipsis length], [ellipsis length] );
[truncatedString replaceCharactersInRange: range withString: ellipsis];
NSString *result = [NSString stringWithString: truncatedString];
[truncatedString release];
return result;
} /* (NSString *)truncateToSize: withFont: lineBreakMode: withStartingAnchor: withEndingAnchor: */
10th November 2010 @ 9:58 pm
perfect, exactly what I was looking for – thanks!
7th November 2011 @ 3:04 pm
Can we use this code for multiline text? For single line,it is working fine.Thank you.