Jan 29 2009
Definitive Mac OS X installation guide for netbooks
There is currently a great demand for laptops which provide the user-friendliness of a Mac without the cost and weight of a MacBook or MacBook Pro, or without the cost of size of a MacBook Air.
Given that the ever-increasing varieties of Intel Atom-based netbooks are low-cost and roughly equivalent in hardware terms to the original MacBook Air, they make a tempting target to conversions to “MacBook Mini”s.

Indeed, there are a large (and also increasing) number of guides which will tell you how to get OS X running using a variety of ISO images downloaded via BitTorrent and hacked kernels which then require extensive changes to the installed system and come with copious warnings not to upgrade the OS when Software Updater prompts you to… and even then it’s common for basic functions such as sleep or USB not to work (although it has to be said that no method is entirely free from caveats).
This guide doesn’t work like that. This guide will describe how to install OS X from an original Leopard installation DVD and how to end up with an entirely unmodified system (*) which will not break when Apple issues updates.
DISCLAIMER: Please do not attempt anything you read about below without understanding what you're doing! Following these instructions will erase your hard drive before Leopard is installed, so only continue if you're happy with this and have backups. This guide is written from memory, and I haven't wiped my netbook to confirm every step - although I'm happy to receive feedback about any errors.
This guide is written with the Samsung NC10 in mind, for this is the only netbook I have available to test with. Other netbooks should also work with the same method, but I’ll post updates if I hear of any problems or improvements. This guide does not cover multi-boot systems, although it should be relatively easily achievable for anyone with a working knowledge of boot-loaders.
- What you will need:
- An Intel Atom-based netbook with the ability to boot from USB devices;
- A USB data stick or USB hard disc to boot from with 64Mb of free space;
- A USB DVD drive or, alternatively, a 16Gb or larger USB data stick or USB hard disc from which to install Leopard and access to a machine with a DVD drive already running OS X. 1
Some people have reported problems in getting external DVD drives to be recognised, so the current best advice is to image the Leopard DVD onto a USB hard disc, as described below, and install from this; - An OS X-supported WiFi MiniPCI-e card, an OS X-supported internal ethernet adapter, or an Apple MacBook Air USB to Ethernet adapter (or similar);2
- Access to a machine running Windows to start with (although this can be the netbook itself prior to OS X installation, or alternatively a Linux machine);
- A basic knowledge of UNIX command-lines is helpful, but not required.
1 Most (all?) netbooks do not feature an optical drive, so installing Leopard isn’t as simple as just dropping the DVD into a DVD drive… unless you happen to have one handy. If you don’t, then all is not lost – if you have access to another machine running OS X which also has a DVD drive, then you can simply insert the Leopard installation DVD and connect your removable media and launch Disk Utility. Click on the DVD icon on the left and then select the “Restore” tab. Now drag the DVD icon onto the “Source” text-box and your USB hard disc or data stick onto the “Destination” text-box and click “Restore”. Note that the Leopard DVD image is just slightly too large to fit onto an 8Gb data stick 🙁
2 This is probably the greatest hurdle to getting Leopard running on the NC10 in particular, as it is unlucky enough to have both wireless and ethernet adapters which aren’t supported as standard on OS X. If an install is attempted on a stock machine without a USB ethernet adapter, then the first stage will succeed but the user-creation stage will loop endlessly because the OS can’t find a network adapter. It is possible to avoid this by configuring a Bluetooth PAN connection, but since this doesn’t have an ethernet MAC address other problems (and lots of log messages concerning UUIDs) will result.
It is actually possible to get the stock wireless adapter running, but this is a complex process and the result is not stable, so I won’t cover it here. The ethernet adapter is currently a non-starter, with no support in OS X at all. Thus, whilst it is possible to get by with a USB network adapter, by far the best solution is to crack open the chassis and replace the standard MiniPCI-e WiFi card with a Broadcom replacement – Dell TrueMobile cards seem to be the popular choice. I opted for the 802.11BG Dell 1395 over the 802.11ABG Dell 1490 on the assumption that the lack of 802.11A networking, something I’ve never come across in the UK, might lead to some power savings. 802.11N cards also work, but check around first to ensure that there are no hardware incompatibilities with OS X.
- What you will need to download:
- This bit’s easy – you only need a single file: The installation image available from here (8.6Mb), which now includes the Windows syslinux binary, used to make your USB data stick or disc drive bootable. If you need to install from an OS other than Windows, the latest release of syslinux is available from here (but you won’t need this if you do have a Windows machine available to prepare the USB boot data stick).
- What will happen next:
- Firstly we’re going to copy the installation files, which are actually only just over 45Mb in size, to the USB data stick or hard disc. Then syslinux is run from Windows or Linux in order to make the device bootable. Booting from this device allows the Leopard installation to complete. After this, we’ll run a script which automagically performs the system changes necessary to boot without the USB device in place, and… that’s it!
- Preparing the boot device:
- If necessary, start by (re)formatting your USB data stick or disc drive as FAT32. Extract the installation image Zip file, downloaded above, and copy all of the files contained within to the root of the USB device (so that “BOOT“, “BOOT.CAT“, etc. are at the top level of the USB device – not in any subdirectory). Now open a Command Prompt and change directory to your USB device – for example, drive U:. Now run the command:
U:\syslinux -ma U:
… to make the drive (U: in this example) bootable.
Note that this command shouldn’t produce any output: if anything appears on-screen, then the process has failed. This can be caused by supplying the wrong drive-letter, or by not running the command with elevated privileges on Windows Vista or Windows 7. In this latter case, “CMD” should be typed into the Start Menu search box and then the ‘CMD’ icon above should be right-clicked and “Run as administrator” should be chosen.
At the very next step, we will be reformatting the drive for use with Leopard – so now would be an excellent time to backup your Windows partition(s), or even swap out the internal hard disc (and wireless). I took the latter approach, and installed a 30Gb OCZ Core Series v2 SSD. The capacity is plenty for my needs (even with a full Xcode install, I still have almost 10Gb of space free) and has the benefits of being totally silent, having no moving parts, consuming less power, and actually performing better than the drive installed as standard!
- Installing Leopard:
- Reboot your netbook with the USB device inserted and enter the BIOS Setup (probably by pressing Escape, F2, or Delete as the machine powers on) and ensure that the following options, if available, are enabled:
- NX / XD / EDB
… and also ensure that you change the boot order to place the USB drive before the internal disc drive. The NC10 has two USB sockets on the left and one on the right, and it simplified things greatly to place the bootable USB device in the right-hand socket with the USB DVD drive or larger-capacity USB device on the left.
Now hold your breath, cross your fingers, and allow the system to start to begin installing Leopard!
… almost. First you should see a simple text-mode boot menu where you have to press Enter to confirm booting from the DVD (image). As noted above, the most reliable installation method is currently to boot an image of the Leopard DVD from a USB hard disc (or large USB data stick).
You should now be looking at the Leopard installer’s language select screen. Please email me with details if this isn’t the case. Note that the screen will look strange at this stage, because 800×600 output is being stretched onto a 1024×600 screen.
Instead of proceeding with installation as normal, select your language and then select Disk Utility from the Utilities menu. Choose your internal drive from the list on the left, and then select the Partition tab. Define a single partition covering the entire device, but before applying hit the Options button to pull up the dialog below:
… from where the GUID Partition Table option should be selected. Now continue to select the file system to use and format the newly-created partition. Users of SSD’s should avoid the “Journalled” option (as it will needlessly generate addition wear on the device) and the “Case-sensitive” option, whilst technically correct, should be avoided if planning to run Adobe applications at any point in the future – because Adobe’s inability to consistently use either upper- or lower-case results in breakage when the file system differentiates between the two.
Now, finally, proceed through the installation as normal – being sure to deselect options, such as printer drivers, which would consume a large amount of disk space if space is at a premium such as with an SSD.
Installation should continue successfully until the very last stage when the installer tries to set the partition with the newly-installed OS as the boot volume – which will fail since this is not a real Mac. This is completely normal. Remove the installation DVD but keep the USB boot device inserted and reboot.
- Creating the EFI partition:
- The last stage of this installation method will reformat the 200Mb EFI partition, which is currently otherwise unused (but which the EFI standards say must be formatted as FAT32) as HFS+ to form an alternative boot partition for OS X. Modified override kernel extensions can then be loaded from here before the actual system extensions are seen, allowing Leopard to work transparently on foreign hardware.
You should be looking at the Leopard desktop, and have a drive icon for the bootable USB drive. In here should be a disk image named ‘MacOS Installer.dmg’: open this, and there should be a variety of items including a script named “Installer”. Run this and follow the prompts (the default answers should be sensible) in order to setup your EFI partition.
- Important Note:
It has just been brought to my attention that versions of the NC10 with integrated 3G modems have (slightly) different DSDTs to the non-3G models. Therefore, if you have the 3G NC10 then please do not choose to install a DSDT override when prompted by the Installer. There is now a replacement DSDT.aml for 3G editions – if you wish to install the DSDT override then either copy this in to place on your EFI partition manually, or drag it into the mounted ‘MacOS Installer.dmg’ disk-image before running the “Installer” script.
I accidentally wiped out my (real) MacBook Pro when testing the installer, but it did seem that for some reason the /Volumes/EFI/Extensions/ directory had been created, but that the contents of the Extensions directory from the installer image hadn’t been copied across. It’s worth choosing not to reboot, and double-checking that this has succeeded before restarting. It’s best to copy the files across from a Terminal session, and then run /Volumes/EFI/update.sh as root once they are in place. Again, please let me know if this works for you or not.The Version 1.1 update has now been tested on a variety of hardware, and the correct files are being created. The glitch above must have been related to accidentally running the installer on a real Mac. Don’t do it, kids 😉
If the version of Leopard installed isn’t 10.5.6, it would be worthwhile to now apply the 10.5.6 Combo update, as the extensions supplied with the Installer are the 10.5.6 versions, and may not work as expected on earlier releases.
This update can be downloaded from Apple’s Downloads site.
Eject the Installer image and the USB device, and then reboot for the final time (note that you will not see an Apple logo as the system boots from now on – this was removed from the bootloader for code-size reasons), and you should find that you have an all-singing, all-dancing, and mostly functional Leopard machine in front of you! 😀
- Where do we go from here?:
- There are still issues related to running external displays over the VGA port in non-mirrored mode which are unresolved. Audio switching from the headphone jack to the internal speakers is currently a manual job, but forthcoming drivers due soon promise to fix this. Because the touchpad is assumed to be square, the vertical sensitivity is too high, but this is also being worked on. Finally, scripts are needed to change the brightness level as this can’t be done with the function keys. And yes, the Euro key on Fn+F3 really does output “0128” instead of anything useful <sigh>.
At the time of writing, none of the SMBIOS replacement extensions work on 10.5.6, so correcting the System Profiler output is not currently possible. Finally, Intel’s EIST is currently unsupported, and extensions which enable this on other Intel processors crash the Atom. Given that the processor’s TDP is a measly 2.5W this isn’t really the big issue it would be on other more powerful systems.
Note that, after going to all of this trouble to get Leopard installed without modifying the installed copy in any way, it’s important to resist the temptation to then go and install any extensions onto the system partition itself – and ignore any instructions which direct you to do so! Any new extensions should be installed instead into the Extensions directory on the EFI partition, and the update.sh script in the root of this partition must be run after any change.
Two excellent tips from the ever-useful MacOSXHints.com are:
- Disable Safe Sleep, aka Hibernation – which doesn’t work with the current version of efi_boot, although support is already working in other bootloaders and is promised for the next release of Chameleon. Once Safe Sleep is disabled, /var/vm/sleepimage can be removed to reclaim some disk space.
- Enable remote DVD mounting allows any machine to use 10.5’s new MacBook Air feature of making remote DVD drives appear local for software installation purposes.
Apple updates should all be fine, although Snow Leopard (OS X 10.6), being 64bit (and the Atom N270 being 32bit only), is an unknown quantity. There are currently rumours of an Atom-based Mac Mini update or even an official Apple netbook, either of which could vastly improve the, already very good, hardware support for this platform.
If/when Apple to release further Mac OS updates, or when upgrading to 10.5.6 initially, it’s well worth making a (Time Machine?) backups first. I’d then advise downloading the Combo Update from Apple’s support site rather than installing the Delta update offered through Software Update. It’s well known that running “Verify Disk Permissions” can throw back warnings after installing a Delta update, whilst this doesn’t happen after applying a (more comprehensive) Combo update.
- Update:
- Version 1.1 of the installer fixes several problems, including preventing the Quiet boot plist from being given the wrong name and fixing the location of the log files which are created during the install. Anyone who has already downloaded the original release should upgrade to this version and re-run the installer if any problems were encountered previously.
* Almost 😉
19th March 2010 @ 10:53 pm
I’ve been running 10.5 fine on my Samsung NC10 since it came out and am looking to upgrade to 10.6. Can I just run the apple software update to upgrade, or will that mess things up?
19th March 2010 @ 11:50 pm
I’m afraid that 10.6 needs a different set of modified drivers, and most likely a replacement kernel (I’ve not been following things so closely recently, so I’m not sure of the absolutely latest developments).
With 10.6.3 due very soon, it’s probably worth waiting for that and then seeing what other people’s upgrade experiences are. Unless there’s any killer-feature which 10.6 has, though, my impression is that 10.5 will provide the smoother user experience for non-Apple hardware…
20th March 2010 @ 4:17 pm
Thanks Stuart,
I wasn’t using a retail version, but I’ve got it installed now.
I’ve gotten almost everything working, function keys for brightness, following Tea’s DSDT.aml, sound, wi-fi. The only thing I’m missing now is Intel Speedstep. It seems like I am stuck at 798MHz and CPUi only shows one processor. I’m not sure what’s wrong.
Any ideas?
25th March 2010 @ 8:55 am
Hi Stuart,
Thank you for creating this guide. I am writing this on my NC10 OSX installation.
When i performed the following step – MacOS Installer.dmg everthing worked fine and i can boot without the USB drive. However i cant find the partition EFI so cannot continue with the update steps.
Please can you help.
Also I have read the full 63 page blog but am still unsure which update to perform. ie. 10.5.6 etc…
One other thing is have you managed to get skype working?
25th March 2010 @ 1:44 pm
Hi Andrew,
Great news – it’s always good to hear of an installation which worked!
(The NC10 seems to be very picky about what USB devices it’ll boot from, so a significant minority of people are finding the even the NC10’s BIOS doesn’t see a bootable device even with the USB keys plugged in – which gives the boot-loader no chance of working!)
The EFI partition is, by it’s nature, completely hidden until manually mounted.
There is a script to do this in the very first comment, but many people are unsure of how to make use of this.
If you open Terminal.app and type the following:
… and then press ctrl+D, at which point the script will be created. Then type “chmod 755 ~/mountefi.sh” to make the script executable, and “sudo ~/mountefi.sh” (Mac OS no longer support SUID scripts) to execute the script and mount the EFI partition.
You must have a password on your account for this to work – ‘sudo’ will not accept blank passwords. If you don’t want to set a password, then become the root user (“su - root“) and repeat all steps to recreate the script as root. This, in turn, requires that a root password be set. The easiest way to do this is to reboot with the installation USB devices inserted, and once the Mac OS installer has launched look at the Utilities menu – one of the options here is “Password reset” (or similar).
Once the script has successfully run, a new disc icon for the EFI partition will appear on the Desktop – but I’d advise avoiding this. Instead, the partition is best accessed from “/Volumes/EFI/” and is best interacted with from a Terminal session – and for permissions reasons, probably as the root user.
Finally, as the script prompts, please remember to “cd ; sudo umount /Voumes/EFI” once you’re finished – Finder won’t allow you to eject the disc, and leaving the partition mounted could potentially lead to corruption (as the volume is not checked when the OS boots, or at any other point).
I seem to remember that I tried Skype, and it just worked – but bear in mind that there are a never-ending combination of graphics drivers and BIOS over-rides out there, so what works for one installation may not be good for another. Skype has also recently been updated, and I can’t say whether this is make anything different at all, better or worse.
Upgrading to 10.5.7 should be fine. 10.5.8 introduces changes which require additional patches (I’m afraid that you’ll have to Google it) which cause OS X to think that the NC10 lacks a battery, and there were some clunky work-arounds. I understand that there’s now an elegant fix which obviates the need for these, though. Even so, I’d suggest that 10.5.7 is the fastest and most compatible release of OS X to run on NC10 hardware. I’ve not looked in to running 10.6.x – but (certainly at least initially) this required a patched kernel in order to even boot. This would make an upgrade from an existing 10.5.x installation likely the easiest method to pursue – but it seems that there’s enough hackery involved that you’d actually need to research the current state-of-the-art and work out a plan of attack of how to get there yourself to have any chance of understanding what the system is doing, and how to fix it when it inevitably breaks 🙁
(And it’s probably worth waiting for the imminent release of 10.6.3 even then)
25th March 2010 @ 10:22 pm
Hi Stuart,
Thank you for the reply, I think logging at all the work that you put into helping people. I think that you should be knighted and I’m sure that lots of people would agree.
Right, just so you understand why i’m asking I have not used Mac OSX before only for basic web browsing functions. But I should pick it up with more reading which I will do, as I use to have a technical IT job but now only manage others.
Anyway, I have created and run the script as follows just to check that I’m doing it right, and I also have a question on why you have to run the rm command. I’m sure i’m not the only person asking as I thought that the update looks at the Extension folder on the EFI not OSX partition.
Please see what i did below.
andrews-macbookair11:~ Andrew$ sudo ./mountefi.sh
Rebuild caches by running “update.sh” in /Volumes/EFI, and
“rm Extensions.mkext Extensions/Caches/com.apple.kext.info”
in /System/Library/
Please remember to “umount /Volumes/EFI” once finished…
andrews-macbookair11:~ Andrew$ sudo /Volumes/EFI/update.sh
Updating EFI boot cache…
chmod: /Volumes/EFI/Extensions/*.sh: No such file or directory
Update succeeded
andrews-macbookair11:~ Andrew$ cd /Volumes/OSX/System/Library
andrews-macbookair11:Library Andrew$ sudo rm Extensions.mkext Extensions/Caches/com.apple.kext.info
andrews-macbookair11:Library Andrew$ sudo umount /Volumes/EFI
Why does it give and chmod error when updating.
I’m sure I’m missing the point somewhere.
Sorry for the lack of knowledge – but I want to get it working as I use it every day.
26th March 2010 @ 12:08 am
Hi Andrew,
No need to apologise – we all have to start somewhere… and especially in this case, where the fault is entirely mine! I had a few little utilities in my Extensions directory, which would work out the dependencies for a given kernel extensions or similar. So that these could still be run, there’s a line in the update.sh script which makes them executable again. The problem is, I stopped shipping these scripts and so the update script outputs this error. It’s definitely not a problem, but feel free to edit the update.sh script to remove the chmod line which reverts ‘*.sh’.
With older versions of OS X, deleting the kernel extension cache file from the Caches directory improved the reliability of booting after modifying kernel extensions, especially if their dependancies changed. I suspect that removing it is no longer necessary – but doing so does very little harm and should still improve reliability when extensions are modified.
Hope this helps,
26th March 2010 @ 6:07 pm
Hi Stuart,
Everything is working except this mic and skype lockups up if you try and make a call – no call just text chat is fine.
I have downloaded AzaliaAudio2.pkg installed it then installed Audieee NC10.dmg
But the external and Internal Mic don’t work.
I hope you can help on this then I will try and leave you alone as everything else I need is fine. Ps I am still on 10.5.6 as i thought it might be best to stay put what do you think?
27th March 2010 @ 9:01 am
Hi Stuart,
I have updated to 10.5.7 as per your instructions without a problem but still have mic issue and skype not working.
I have also found a download to install AppleHDA ktext from Mystiquemac but am unable to open the Extension directory as it states that i dont have permissions.
Please can you help.
28th March 2010 @ 12:04 am
Thinking about it, you’re right: The Azalia drivers are undoubtedly a hack, and they’re only good to get audio output working. Switching outputs is a manual task, and inputs aren’t supported.
AppleHDA should provide a better solution – but I was never able to get it working properly (at best, sound broke up to static all too frequently). Given the time that’s passed, this could well now be much more stable.
As I mentioned before, the necessary permissions on the EFI partition make accessing it as root to simplest way to interact with its contents – just stick to Terminal.app and remember to become root (‘su – root’ followed by root’s password or ‘sudo su – root’ followed by your password. Set root’s password from the installation media if necessary, and note that the latter only works if your user also has a password set).