Technology UNIX

Replacing udev with mdev in Gentoo

Recent changes to udev mean that it is now a requirement to have the partition containing the /usr filesystem mounted prior to system boot, requiring usr and root to be on the same partition (which is Red Hat’s preferred solution), or to mount /usr prior to booting from an initrd.

I’ve successfully run Linux systems for many years without needing this additional complication, and I don’t plan to start changing the core boot process in order to comply with Red Hat’s (non-FHS compatible) vision of what a Linux system should look like.

The best alternative right now seems to be Busyboxmdev – a very simple hotplug agent and /dev tree maintenance tool which provides identical core functionality to udev.

However, the default configuration files provided with mdev are somewhat outdated and there isn’t much information out there documenting how to make the transition.

Internet Technology

Getting Jetpack to work with WordPress

For what must be many months now, my local installation of WordPress has been hassling me to install the Jetpack plugin.

It sounded sorta useful, so I dutifully clicked on Install and was told:


… with a ‘GnuTLS recv error (-9): A TLS packet with unexpected length was received.‘ error.

Having looked around to try to find a solution, the only suggestion appeared to be to rebuild PHP or to wait for the stabilisation of the newest PHP development branch. This turns out to be wrong, however, and the solution is both simple and maddening…

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